My Portfolio

A showcase of my projects and my abilities.

Hi, I'm Wenqing

I am an ex-SDE Intern at Unity Technologies, currently studying Computer Graphics and Game Technology at Upenn. I am a self-motivated and adaptive learner with a broad skill set and a passion for 3D Arts & Computer Graphics & Game Development. I enjoy working together with enthusiastic people to create amazing games, though I am also very capable to work on my own. You can check some of the cool projects I have completed in recent years below.


Key words: C++, OpenGL
Working with a team of 3 to a make simple Minecraft clone using C++/OpenGL. I was mainly responsible for implementing player physics, texturing, dynamic real-time shadow, day and night cycle and distance fog. Click the button below to see the project demo.


Key words: C++, OpenGL
A Mesh Editor application in the style of Autodesk Maya or Blender. Implementing with C++ and OpenGL in QT. Supported features include vertex/edge/face editing, edge division, face triangulation, Catmull-Clack subdivision for smoothing, skeleton binding, and skinning.

Computer Animation

Key words: C++, Motion Builder, Houdini
Course work of CIS 462/562(Computer Animation) at UPenn. Assignments topics include curve Editor, FK/IK Editor, KeyFrame Animation/Motion Capture, Particle System, and Behavior Editor.

3D Modeling

Key words: 3D Art, Maya
Course work of DSGN 635(3D Modeling) at UPenn. Modeling topics include object modeling, environment modeling, and character modeling.


Key words: C#, Unity MGOBE, Cloud Service
A 3D multiplayer FPS game where each player controls a cannon in the center of a circular hunting area to shoot as many dinosaurs as possible to win a game. I implemented Frame Sync using Unity's MGOBE API and introduced Vivox to the game so players can chat via text or voice in the pregame room.

2D Rocket League

Key words: C#, Unity, Game Development
A 2D football game developed with a team of five using Unity. I was mainly resposible for visual & gameplay design, animation, game logic.

OpenGL Shader

Key words: C++, OpenGL
Implementing different kinds of shaders including bling-phong, bloom, gaussian blur, matcap with greyscale, sobel, etc.


Key words: C#, WPF, Platform porting
I worked with a team of 8 to port Warcraft2 from Linux to Windows. We used WPF and .NET framework to recreate the game. Major features include map/mini-map generation, assets collection, building construction, player combat, AI pathfinding, etc. I was mainly resposible for implementing GUI, building constrcution and mini-map generation.